News list for " 0.1493"

Coinbase Bitcoin Premium Index tentative -0.1493%

According to Coinglass data, the Coinbase Bitcoin Premium Index is temporarily trading at -0.1493%. The Coinbase Bitcoin Premium Index is an indicator that measures the percentage difference between the price of Bitcoin on Coinbase Pro (USD pair) and the price on Binance (USDT pair). This means that the difference between the BTC prices on the two platforms could suggest whether U.S. investors have exerted more buying pressure on the market than global investors.

2024-10-23 19:07:14

据 coinglass 数据,Coinbase 比特币溢价指数暂报-0.1493%。 Coinbase 比特币溢价指数是衡量 Coinbase Pro 上的比特币价格(美元对)和 Binance 上的价格(USDT 交易对)之间百分比差异的指标。 这意味着两个平台上 BTC 价格之间的差异可以暗示美国投资者是否比全球投资者对市场施加了更大的购买压力。

2024-10-23 19:07:14